Thursday, March 26, 2009

Similar Lesson, Different Method

If I were given a second chance to conduct the same lesson, will I deliver the same activity? My answer to that question will be “No”, simply because we should work for the better. There is no such thing as a perfect activity. In fact, there will always be some flaws detected in the particular activity.

In my case, if I were given a second chance to conduct the same lesson, I will vary my activities to make my lesson more interesting. Instead of just worksheets, I can use games to capture students’ interest to my lesson. Similarly, besides individual activity, I can plan for pair or group activities. Teaching is an art, repeating the same activity or routine merely reflects non-creativity.

As for questions or doubts in simulated teaching, I had none as both lecturer and tutor had explained clearly about what to do and what not to do before we start simulated teaching. Moreover, both of them were there if we need to make any enquiries or need any assistance from them.

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