Friday, March 27, 2009

Analyzing Sophocles’ Portrayal of Characters in "Oedipus Rex"

Last week, I had been busy doing the Assignment 2 of EDU 3217 – analyse the treatment of a theme or portrayal of characters in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex or Kee Thuan Chye’s The Swordfish, Then the Concubine. For the assignment, I chose to analyse Sophocles’ Sophocles’ Portrayal of Characters in Oedipus Rex through Labels and Labeling. Thus, in this blog post, I will be sharing some of the findings in my analysis.

Every human being has hundreds of separate people living under his skin. The talent of a writer is his ability to give them their separate names, identities, personalities and have them relate to other characters living with him.

~ Mel Brooks, an American writer

Sophocles uses three types of labeling to portray his characters in Oedipus Rex. Each type of labeling has its way and function in characterization.

1. Labeling done by the playwright through giving names, which carry meanings that describe a character’s most important traits. Its purpose is to tell the audience and readers which traits to concentrate on, as well as create dramatic irony.

Example 1: The name of the antagonist, Oedipus has ambiguity in meaning. The word Oida means “to know” that is derived from the root vid-, which means “see”. This is referring to Oedipus’ contrasting traits that deal with his ability of having eyesight and insight. It also hints on Oedipus’ inquisitive nature (to know about who the murderer of King Laius is) that will serves as his tragic flaw (harmatia). In Greek, Oedipus also means “swollen foot” and “clubfoot”, which are the most important physical trait of Oedipus that symbolizes his irreversible fate (moira) in the play.

Example 2: Teiresias’ name is defined as “one who cries the signs of the heavens” in Greek, that tell us his role as a wise, skillful seer in the play, as well as mystery or truth revealer to the readers or audience.

Example 3: the name of Creon is a male name that is defined as “prince” in Greek (as opposed to Creusa that is defined in Greek as “princess”). The status of the Creon as a prince is the most important information about Creon, for it tells the audience or readers that he will be the next king-to-be after Oedipus. Thus, this explains why he is suspected to steal Oedipus’ throne, as well as foreshadows he will be the next ruler after Oedipus’ downfall, which is bound to come in the tragedy that entails reversal of fortune. (Sources: and

2. Labeling done by other characters (epithets) to describe the characters through other characters’ point of views. Its function is to fill the audience and readers with more information (e.g. background information (identities, status and roles), past deeds and attributes), so that they have a clearer picture about the characters, which will helps a great deal in understanding and analysing the character. However, the description may not necessarily be reliable and misleading, for it may be originated from the labelers’ wrong perception, bias, jealousy and ignorance.

Example: Creon is introduced by Oedipus, as “Son of Menoikeus, brother of the Queen” (In Prologue, page 1386, line 72), which portrays his identity and his relationship with other characters.

3. Labeling done by the analysed characters to portray his characters in an implicit way, by providing the access to the characters’ mind. Its function is to provide opportunity, freedom and space to the audience and readers to think and analyse the traits of the characters.

Example: Through Oedipus’ labeling on others, we know about his disrespect to other people. He disrespects his own wife when he calls her “woman” in Scene II (page 1400, line 125). He also shows his disrespect to the blind and the elderly, when he mocks at Teiresias – “child of endless night” (line 150) and “sightless, witless, senseless, mad old man” (line 153) (Scene I, page 1394).

Unlike short stories that have narrators who can describe the characters, a play needs to find a way to do this within a short period of time. Hence, labeling is chosen for being the most creative, natural, time-saving and thought-provoking way to define and describe a character.

Words have meaning and names have power.

~ Author unknown

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